It’s a semi-private place for me to share personal thoughts.
You’re welcome to browse or to subscribe. I don’t promise any formal structure, publishing frequency, or even proofreading.
Sometimes I have ideas that I want to express in writing, which don’t belong on my professional site.
I enjoy social media for sharing moments with friends and family, but for long-form writing it’s no good.
What’s wrong with social media?
Well, a lot of things, but here are the main reasons why I’m keeping this site separate from my facebook, instagram, linkedin, and twitter:
- All my people aren’t on the same platforms, and many are off social media entirely.
- The main social media players won’t show you my content unless I pay extra to “promote” it.
- They all show addictive video loops or inflammatory political memes, instead of what you asked for.
- If I’m sharing a meaningful thought, I would like you to experience it without ads.
- Same for when I’m writing.
- None of the platforms provide authors a way to keep and download an archive.
What if I want to collect all my ideas on one topic, and put them into a book? Or share them with my child when she’s older? Tough luck. What if one day an algorithm decides to cancel my account? No way to recover my materials. And no, none of them allow authors to download and save backups.
If you’re looking for my professional work, please instead visit aaronsylvan.com